2023 Fall Ball
More Information about Player Registration
In the event a registered team or individual (“registrant”) withdrawals their registration less than 30 days of the event start date, the registrant will forfeit 100% of their registration.

USA Lacrosse Membership
Before you register, make sure that your USA Lacrosse Membership is up to date. If you do not already have one you will be directed during the registration process to the USA Lacrosse website to purchase one. This membership is required as a part our leagues insurance policy.

Player Registration Process
Powerhouse Lacrosse and the SFBL uses TeamSnap for league and team management. Every player, team and coach will register via TeamSnap. Once the registration process is complete you will be invited to join your team and the teams page on the TeamSnap App.

Team Placement & Game Schedule
Once all teams are registered for the fall season, the SFBL Schedule will be published. Your teams schedule will be visible both here on the Powerhouse Lacrosse website as well as on your teams TeamSnap page online and on the TeamSnap APP.