

To donate, please click here

Donations support Powerhouse Lacrosse and help grow the sport of lacrosse in Northern California.  Donations provide access to equipment, scholarships, administration and legal services necessary to run and grow the organization.


Powerhouse Lacrosse is the sponsor of the Sacramento Fall Ball League and will have further activities throughout the year.


Your donations could support various needs.  Here are a few examples:


  • $250 - covers the cost of a full scholarship for Fall Ball.
  • $100 - covers the cost of a conditioning scholarship
  • $100 - covers the cost of a lacrosse loaner stick.
  • $50 - covers the cost for 18 practice lacrosse balls.
  • Any amount: help cover the costs to startup and maintain Powerhouse Lacrosse



Frequently Asked Questions: 


What’s the difference between Powerhouse Lacrosse and School Team/Youth Lacrosse?


Powerhouse Lacrosse is a non-profit organization that sponsors the Sacramento Fall Ball League and supports Lacrosse activities throughout the year.  This organization exists independently from individual youth or school teams.  Powerhouse Lacrosse works with these teams to offer additional opportunities for player and coach development.


What’s the difference between Powerhouse Lacrosse Fall Ball Registration fees and PL Donations?


The registration fees paid for Fall Ball registration reflect the direct costs associated with that season’s play.  Example expenses include field space rental, equipment, coaching and officiating.  These fees do not include costs associated with Powerhouse Lacrosse operations.


Why not fund the Powerhouse Lacrosse needs entirely through Fall Ball registration?


Because Powerhouse Lacrosse is growing and adding activities, the individual registration costs are designed to operate at a “break-even” cost and do not materially contribute to Powerhouse Lacrosse operational costs.  Donations are the major source of funding for Powerhouse Lacrosse to offer its benefits to the community.


How can families help, beyond contributing money?


If you own a business or have connections to a business, you could encourage the business to become a Powerhouse Lacrosse sponsor.  Additionally, the individual activities, including Fall Ball, always need family participation to operate.  Example roles include clock, scoreboard and snacks/drinks for the players.  Please consider volunteering and/or donating.


If you have further questions about fundraising or sponsorship, please contact us here.